
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Anthro Finally Coming to Vancouver!

I have been waiting for this news for a very, very long time now!  Anthro is finally coming to Vancouver!

Yes, we've been hearing this rumour for over a year now but now it's official.  They are opening their first store in Vancouver on Granville and 13th!  Now there isn't a lot of room on Granville and Anthros are usually quite large stores so I have 2 guesses as to where it will be:  1) the old Caban building because it has 2 floors and I think it's currently occupied by a not-so-cool clothing store, or 2) they will build on the old parking lot on the corner of Granville and 13th.  I'm sure it's not going to be as huge as the Anthro's I've been to in Chicago, New York or Seattle, but hopefully it will still hold a lot of stock.  And I really hope they carry shoes!   I can't wait for one of the new Anthro accessory shops to open in town.  That will be super popular, I'm sure!

Now I have mixed feelings about an Anthro opening up in Vancouver.  As much as I am excited to be able to try things on in person instead of guessing or waiting to go to Seattle all the time, I am not excited about the thousands of women who will now have easy access to the clothes I considered "unique" and "my own style".  

Vancouver is quite a small city and soon everyone will be wearing Anthro clothes and it will get played out just like Aritzia, Lululemon and Coach.  It will be too accessible and you won't be able to walk downtown without someone wearing the "hot" item you just bought.  This city likes to shop so if you bought something absolutely special, so will another, and another and another...  Oh well.  

I will probably still continue to buy Anthro from the US online though, since Anthro in Canada does not seem to hold as many sales at the US does, for some reason.  And the price point, especially on sale, in the US is way less than Canada.  At least I will be able to fit the item in the store before I buy this time.  That is definitely a plus.

I hope Anthro doesn't get played out.  I hate looking like everyone else.  

My Latest Purchase

I love Anthro products but I don't love their prices, so I have learned to wishlist, be patient and wait for the item to go on sale.  I rarely buy anything at full price unless I absolutely HAVE TO HAVE IT and will be devasted if it sells out.  Yes, some items sell out completely and don't come back, which I have learned the hard way.  I missed out on a number of items because I couldn't pull the trigger at full price, but some products are actually worth it.

I read a few Anthro-dedicated blogs and read product reviews to help me determine if it will suit my body type and of course, for fit.  I read Effortless Anthropologie and Anthroholic daily for their awesome reviews, helpful tips and sneak peaks on sale items.  

Anthropologie in the US seem to have sales every 2 weeks, so I only order through the US site and have it shipped to Hagen's of Blaine (just over the border).  I pick-up packages almost every 3 weeks.  Thank goodness for Hagen's!

My latest purchases (which I haven't picked up yet) are below.  I will probably swing by Hagen's in a week or so (waiting for more packages to arrive) and then I will post pics of how they fit.  In the meantime, here are pics of each item courtesy of the Anthro site.

1)  Kirklees Sweatercoat (Reg. USD$159, Sale USD$79.95)  I just think this coat is so whimsical and cute.  I just hope the peter pan-ish collar suits me.

2) Geometer Tunic (Reg. USD$49.95, Sale USD$19.95)  Because I love wearing leggings and the colors on this top are so pretty!

3) Buoyant Bunches Cardigan (Reg. USD$79.95, Sale USD$49.95)  I bought this one in blue at full price in the Bellevue, WA store.  I like it so much I bought the brown striped version on sale (the grey one in the picture below sold out before the sale, unfortunately)

4) Phlox and Floral Coat (Reg. USD$348, Sale USD$149.95)  I fell in love with this coat when I first saw it online, then I read the reviews and I knew I had to have it.  But the regular price was just too much so I stalked it on the Anthro site until it went on Sale.  I actually overslept the morning of the sale and it was sold out online so fast.  I had to contact Anthro customer service to do a search for me.  And yes, I scored one!  Woohoo!  Can't wait to pick up this baby soon!  

5)  Schooner Dress  (Reg. USD$88, Sale USD$49.95)  I bought my daughter her first Anthro dress and I can't wait for her to try it on!  I don't normally like the nautical look but I read a review on this dress on In Pursuit of Pretty Things (post here) and it looked just adorable on the little girl, Kate, who wore it.  I think it will be a fabulous Birthday Party dress!

6)  Slow and Steady Hat (Reg. USD$39.95, Sale USD$19.95)  My 2nd Anthro purchase for my daughter.  Cute, pink and with a flower, how could I not buy this?